This was Ebbw Vale’s first home game since April 24th, and the win was just as important this time as it was against Aberavon on that Sunday evening 5 months ago.
On a picture perfect afternoon, Newport were first on the board with an Arwel Robson penalty. After an extended period of pressure by the Steelmen, with Newport defending the driving maul effectively, Josh Lewis made no mistake in bringing his team level after 23 minutes.
With captain Adam Brown cooling down in the sin bin, Newport decided on adventure but, as they tried to run from behind their own tryline, the ball was spilled and Ebbw’s Ronny Kynes pounced for the try which Lewis converted. It was 17-3 just before haf time when another Newport mistake under pressure gave Chris Levesley a bit of work to do, and he managed to run in from 45m. Lewis again succeeded with the kick.
Newport had the better of early exchanges in the second half but the sweet boot of Josh Lewis extended Ebbw’s lead to 20-3. Things turned mildly farcical soon after when, with Gethin Robinson off injured, and Newport’s one-man advantage telling on the home scrummage, referee Mr Jones saw fit to yellow card Rob Sevenoaks. Passive scrums ensued, but Newport’s patience was rewarded when Brendan Lampitt barged his way over. O’Brien’s extras made the score 20-10.
Josh Lewis struck again, with an immaculate 50m penalty, before the game’s best try was scored by Newport. From a breakdown on the left, they moved the ball rapidly right and Ashton Hewitt finished. O’Brien’s conversion brought his team within a converted try of victory at 23-17, but Josh Lewis added another long range penalty and, just after his ‘man of the match’ award was announced, charged down a Newport clearance, stayed on his feet, controlled the ball as he sprinted through and scored at the posts. Of course he converted and the game was Ebbw’s, 33-17. Flattering perhaps, but a much-needed win to get the season going.
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Yn eu gêm gartref cyntaf y tymor, llwyddodd Glynebwy gario’r dydd yn erbyn Casnewydd, a gadael yr ymwelwyr heb fuddugoliaeth yn yr Uwch Gynghrair hyd yn hyn.
Ar brynhawn dymunol ym Mharc Eugene Cross, Casnewydd oedd y cyntaf i sgorio gyda chic cosb gan Arwel Robson. Ar ôl cyfnod estynedig o bwys gan y Gwyr Dur, gyda Chasnewydd yn amddiffyn yn ffyrnig, daeth gyfle i Josh Lewis ac roedd y maswr yn llwyddianus i wneud y sgôr yn 3-3 ar ddiwedd y chwarter cyntaf.
Parhaodd Glynebwy roi bwys ar Gasnewydd ond, â’u capten Adam Brown ar y fainc cosbi, penderfynodd yr ymwelwyr redeg o tu ôl i’w llinell cais ond yn ffaelu cael gafael yn y bêl, a blaenasgellwr Glynebwy, Ronny Kynes yn adweithio’n gyflym i sgorio. Trosodd Lewis. Ar drothwy’r egwyl, manteisiodd Chris Levesley ar gamgymeriad eto gan Gasnewydd a charlamu adref o 45m. Gyda throsiad Lewis, 17-3 oedd y sgôr ar yr egwyl.
Er bod Casnewydd yn dechrau’r ail hanner yn gryf, aeth y pwyntiau cyntaf i Lynebwy – esgid mawr Josh Lewis yn trosi cic cosb am 20-3. Gwnaeth y sefyllfa droi’n ychydig chwerthinllyd yn fuan wedyn; roedd Gethin Robinson wedi gadael y maes gydag anaf ac felly, pan cosbodd dyfarnwr Dan Jones ei eilydd, doedd dim dewis ond i gael sgrymiau goddefol. Cafodd amynedd Casnewydd ei wobrwyo pan hyrddiodd Brendan Lampitt drosodd am gais a droswyd gan O’Brien i wneud y sgôr yn 20-10.
Tarodd Josh Lewis eto, gyda chic perffaith o 50m, cyn i cais gorau’r gêm gael ei sgorio gan asgellwr Casnewydd, Ashton Hewitt. Gwnaeth trosiad O’Brien ddod â’i dîm o fewn trosgais o fuddugoliaeth, ond ychwanegodd ‘Seren y Gêm’ Josh Lewis gosb hir unwaith eto. Yn hollol addas, Lewis oedd yr un i sicrhau buddugoliaeth i’r Gwyr Dur ar ôl iddo rwystro ymgais Casnewydd i glirio, rheoli’r bêl fel Gareth Bale, cael gafael ynddi, a sgorio o dan y pyst. Trosodd – wrth gwrs – ac roedd Glynebwy wedi cipio’r wobr gan 33 i 17.
Dywedodd cefnogwyr Casnewydd fod y sgôr ddim yn dweud hanes y gêm yn hollol – a chefnogwyr Gynebwy yn cytuno, siwr o fod – ond fel na mai, weithiau.
Match Report – Ebbw Vale RFC 44 Newport RFC 21Ebbw maintain 100% cup record The Steelmen claimed six points from the Gwent derby to move to the top of the SRC group Cup table after playing on a lovely […]
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