Oct 28th: Ebbw Vale 19 Bargoed 14

HOME > Oct 28th: Ebbw Vale 19 Bargoed 14

Ebbw completed the season’s double over Bargoed in a scrappy but exciting contest. The win was built on an excellent forward performance that culminated in a penalty try as Bargoed buckled and infringed at a 5m scrum. How satisfying that was for the young Ebbw pack, one can only imagine, but it represented a huge improvement since the season’s first day when Bargoed did the same.

On a mild afternoon, Bargoed took an early lead when Matthew Lewis slotted a penalty following a great first scrum by his forwards. Lewis Dennett equalised, following a powerful run by Rhys Clarke, only for Lewis to regain the lead for Bargoed after a scrum penalty to Ebbw was reversed following an incident that saw yellow cards for Rob Sevenoaks and Rhys Morgan.

A well executed catch and drive put Geraint Clarke over for Bargoed. Lewis missed the conversion, so Dennett’s late penalty sent the sides in to the interval at 6-11, a fair reflection of Bargoed’s territorial advantage.

The second half told a different story as Ebbw’s eight gained control. The scrums, in particular, took a huge toll on the visitors. Lewis Dennett and Dan Haymond made Bargoed pay for a series of offences to give the Steelmen a 12-11 lead. Although the eventual penalty try was no surprise, the lack of a consequent yellow card was. It is worth adding that, by this point, young Joel Harries and Josh James were at prop for Ebbw, building superbly on the work of Ross Jones and Rob Sevenoaks and, along with hooker Joe Franchi, benefitting from the weight and effort coming through from the men behind them.

Former Steelman Iain Smerdon brought Bargoed within 5 points with a penalty as his side mounted pressure and Ebbw struggled to clear. It looked as if they would claim at least a draw but flanker Rogers was hauled down short after a great burst, then a scoring pass to wing Dai Evans, in acres of space and with only the tryline in front of him, was well forward.

Older heads Dai Langdon and Dorian Jones calmed things, and Ebbw held out to take 4 points with a 19-14 victory.

Man of the Match was Rob Sevenoaks, but Rhys Francis must have been very close!

15. Dan Haymond, 14. Steff Thomas, 13. Dom Franchi, 12. Dai Langdon, 11. Toby Fricker; 10. Lewis Dennett, 9. Dai Jones; 1. Ross Jones, 2. Rhys Francis, 3. Rob Sevenoaks; 4. Lance Randall, 5. Rhys Clarke; 6. Cameron Regan, 7. Ronny Kynes (capt), 8. Josh Jacas.
Bench: 16. Joe Franchi, 17. Joel Harries, 18. Josh James, 19. Kristian Parker, 20. Owen Jones, 21. Carl Lewis, 22. Dorian Jones, 23. Will Talbot-Davies.

Travelling Reserves: Jonathan Davies, Srdan Majkic.

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Am yr eildro eleni, bu Glynebwy yn ennill gêm cael a chael dros Fargôd i godi oddi ar waelod y cynghrair, dros eu gwrthwynebwr i’r chweched safle.

Bu Matthew Lewis yn sgorio’n gyntaf, wedi i’w flaenwyr ennill cic cosb mean sgrym. Bu ymateb Glynebwy yn bendant ac yn grymus ac, er bod Rhys Clarke yn cael ei daclo ar ôl rhediad gwych, bu Bargôd yn camsefyll a Lewis Dennett yn llwyddo gyda chic cosb. 3-3 0edd hi.

Yn amlwg, heblaw eu llwyddiant yn y sgrym gyntaf, bu pac yr ymwelwyr yn cael trafferth gydag wyth Glynebwy. Daeth cic cosb i Wŷr y Dur, yn dilyn sgrym ond, yn anffodus, bu’r dyfarnwr, Mr Alun Evans, yn newid ei feddwl wedi iddo sgwrsio ag un o’i gynorthwywyr. Aeth Rhys Morgan a Rob Sevenoaks i’r cell cosb ac aeth Matthew Lewis â’i dîm yn y blaen gan 6-3.

Mae i Lynebwy’r enw o fod yn gryf iawn gyda’r “Catch’n’Kynes” ond, pob clod i Fargôd, bu ‘”Catch’n’Clarke” nhw’n gweithio’n berffaith – eilydd o fachwr, Geraint Clarke, yn croesi am gais.

I gwpla’r hanner cyntaf, roedd Lewis Dennett yn llwyddianus gyda chic cosb, a 6-11 oedd y sgôr ar yr egwŷl, yn adlewyrchu mantais Bargôd o ran tiriogaeth a meddiant.

Stori arall oedd hi yn yr ail hanner! Yn amlwg iawn, bu blaenwyr Glynebwy yn rhy gryf i’w gwrthwynebwyr a, fesul un, daeth rhes o giciau cosb. Trwy esgidiau mawr Lewis Dennett a Dan Haymond, bu Glynebwy yn y blaen gan 12-11. Braidd yn anochel, daeth cais cosb i Lynebwy, wedi i sgrym 5m fynd lawr dwywaith.

Cynllun Gynebwy oedd cadw Bargôd yn eu hanner eu hunain, a chiciau gwych gan Dorian Jones a Dai Langdon yn cyflawni’r cynllun. Ond, doedd Bargôd ddim wedi darllen yr un cynllun, ac yn dod yn ôl yn grymus i ymosod ar diriogaeth Wŷr y Dur. Bu cyn faswr Glynebwy, Iain Smerdon, yn ychwanegu triphwynt gyda chic cosb am 19-14, ond, er bod Grant Rogers a Dai Evans yn dod yn agos iawn at sicrhau gêm gyfartal – ac efallai buddugoliaeth – grym amddiffyn Glynebwy a fu drech.

Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i chwarewyr Glynebwy – ac, yn arbennig, i bropiau ifainc Joel Harries a Josh James, a fu’n olynwyr gwych i Ross Jones a Rob Sevenoaks.

Seren y gêm oedd prop pen tynn Mr Sevenoaks, ond bu Rhys Francis yn agos iawn at ennill y gwobr, siŵr o fod!

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